Acupuncture is heavily associated with traditional Chinese medicine. Being an ancient practice that developed millennia in China, it helps promote your body’s natural healing abilities. Acupuncture treatment is all about balancing the mind, body, and spirit. It spread worldwide along with the spread of Chinese culture. Now, acupuncture treatment is one of the most reliable remedies for chronic pain and stress, not only in China but in many parts of the world.

benefits of acupuncture

What is Acupuncture Treatment?

Acupuncture is a procedure where needle insertion is done into the skin to help balance the energy flow in a person. The acupuncture needles are inserted at specific points, which are called acupuncture points, along the patient’s body. These acupuncture points align with energy points. Once these thin needles are inserted, this triggers the body’s natural healing abilities, restoring the mind and body balance.

An acupuncture practitioner is well-versed in the belief that the body is controlled by qi, or an energy flow, that travels through the human body on pathways called meridians. A traditional Chinese medicine practitioner believes that blockages in the flow of qi along these pathways cause many ailments, such as stress, toxins, trauma, and hormones. In addition, food also contributes to blocking qi, or the body’s energy, thereby affecting overall health.

Acupuncture treatments today may involve an integrated approach combining traditional Chinese medicine and modern western medicine principles. Studies are made on its relationship to connective tissue, how needles stimulate nerves, and its effects on blood flow, towards the understanding of western medicine of its mechanism and effectivity. Acupuncture is also used in osteopathic medicine. An acupuncturist today should be a trained and licensed practitioner. In addition, FDA regulates acupuncture needles and restricts their use to those allowed to practice acupuncture treatments.

What are the Top 10 Health Benefits of Acupuncture?

Complete acupuncture procedures may last more than one acupuncture session, depending on the complaint. Here are the top health benefits of acupuncture:

  1. Pain Medication for Joint and Back

Acupuncture treatment is well-known for pain relief. Acupuncture reduces the tension in the neck and back, as well as knee pain, alleviating pain in the joints. Medical acupuncture also treats menstrual cramps and chronic low back pain. Acupuncture treatment also reduces inflammation on affected points.

  1. Headache Relief

Along with joint and back pain, acupuncture treatment is also traditionally used to relieve chronic headaches, tension headaches, and migraines.

  1. Reduced Stress

In oriental medicine, acupuncture treatment is a primary recourse for reducing stress levels. Various studies in randomized controlled trials have connected acupuncture with lowering stress hormone levels, increasing feelings of happiness, and reducing anxiety.

  1. Improved Immune System

Acupuncture works by helping to fight-off pathogens that harm your body’s immune system. There is a marked reduction in the duration of colds when undergoing acupuncture treatment.

  1. Improving Digestive Health

Ancient Chinese medicine also stresses the connection between digestive health and overall health. Acupuncture treatment also addresses issues regarding the digestive system, such as gastrointestinal problems.

  1. Increased Energy, Emotional well being, and Enhanced Mental Clarity

Along with its benefits affecting stress, acupuncture treatment is also associated with improvements in mental clarity, reduction of anxiety, and an increase in the body’s energy. Moreover, acupuncture treatments also improve sleep.

  1. Controlling Blood Pressure

Combining regular acupuncture sessions with medical treatment for cardiovascular problems helps reduce blood pressure. Aside from improving blood flow, acupuncture also helps support proper heart function.

  1. Relief from Seasonal Allergies

Acupuncture treatments, in conjunction with allergy medications, are best done before an allergy season to help avoid the effects of symptoms when attacks begin.

  1. Enhancing the Healing Process After Surgeries and Other Medical Procedures

Acupuncture also benefits a person who has undergone surgery or cancer treatment by facilitating a quicker healing process.

  1. Enhancing Fertility

For couples who are trying to have their first child, acupuncture offers one of the most effective remedies provided by alternative medicine to address fertility issues. Acupuncture optimizes the production of reproductive hormones.

Conclusion: Acupuncture Addresses Most Health Issues

Acupuncture, when performed by an experienced and licensed acupuncturist in an appropriate setting, provides the patient with tremendous health benefits. With long-time practitioners in traditional Chinese medicine, you can rely on Bingham Fitness to help you get better results without the side effects. To learn more about acupuncture or to book an appointment, call us at (602) 339-6677 or Contact us.

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